Getting Started with Python

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The Python Tutorial

Ready to start learning Python? What could be better than the official Python tutorial.

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Python for Everybody

There are numerous courses, tutorials, and books available to learn Python from. So here is a quick pick for an online book that can double as a tutorial. Python for Everybody by Charles Severance is an updated take on a good educational Python volume. I haven't completed my review on it but it has impressed me so far.

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
The Big Book of Small Python Projects
Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python
Online Python Books

There are many good resources and books available online. One prolific author with the knowledge and wit to make learning python fun is Al Sweigart.

Learn to Program. For Free. Books by Al Sweigart.
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The Piodide Terminal Emulator

An online version of the Python shell, or REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop). Here you can run Python code interactively. See this tutorial to learn more.

The Piodide Terminal Emulator
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Host, run, and code Python in the cloud!

You need a place to run and test your Python code. Where else are you going to go other than PythonAnywhere?

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Python Frameworks

PythonAnywhere has wizards to help you install frameworks on that platform. If you need to know more, here is an article that should help.

My recommendations are web2py for a full-stack framework. And Bottle for a micro-framework.

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Learn Python with a Full-Stack Framework

For anyone wanting a thorough immersion in Python and/or looking to learn the internals of a full-stack web application, the web2py Complete Reference Manual, 6th Edition by Massimo Di Pierro is a great way to go. It has enabled me to complete several quality business applications for clients. And have some fun (learning) along the way.

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